Tagungsband: Begegnungen zwischen Kunst, Philosophie und Wissenschaft

Begegnungen zwischen Kunst, Philosophie und Wissenschaft

Encounters Between Art, Philosophy and Science

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

Schriften zur Kulturwissenschaft, volume 114

Hamburg , 352 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-8049-7 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-08049-3 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

ENCOUNTERS BETWEEN ART, PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE brings together papers presented at an international conference with the same title and seeks to initiate a fruitful exchange between theoretical reflections and artistic practice. This volume, presented in German and English, opens up a broad range of perspectives on different aspects of abstraction and concretion, on associated aesthetic phenomena and literary evidence. Interdisciplinary in approach, each paper engages with images and texts in a different way, allowing for a fascinating juxtaposition of perspectives and serving as a mirror of what was a lively exchange of insights and views. An important point of reference is Friedrich Nietzsche, who showed ways towards a ‘more joyful’ science and ‘physiologically-supported search for truth’.

With contributions by Sabine Amstad, Hinderk Emrich, Annegret Kehrbaum, Reinhard Knodt, Eva Koethen, Wiebrecht Ries, Thorsten Schirmer and Marcella Tarozzi-Goldsmith, whose poetic and pictorial aphorisms are illustrated in colour in this volume.


Vorwort der Herausgeberin Eva Koethen

Foreword of the editor Eva Koethen

Eva Koethen:

Zum Beweg-Grund der Kunst und seinen Wirkungen

The Ground of Motivation of Art and its Effects

Reinhard Knodt:

Korrespondenz und Atmosphäre: Für eine Philosophie der ästhetischen Korrespondenzen

Correspondence and Atmosphere: For a Philosophy of Aesthetic Correspondences

Wiebrecht Ries:

Nietzsche und seine ästhetische Philosophie des Lebens

Presentation of Nietzsche and his Aesthetic Philosophy of Life

Marcella Tarozzi:

Nietzsche, der Aphoristiker

Nietzsche, the Aphorist

Abstrakte Aquarelle und Aphorismen

(Werkpräsentation, großer Bildteil)

Abstract Water Colors and Aphorisms

Warum Kunst?

Why Art?

Hinderk Emrich:

Synthesis –Atmosphäre – Schönheit

Synthesis – Atmosphere – Beauty

Thorsten Schirmer:

Konkretion versus Abstraktion in der Maltradition Ostasiens

Concretion versus Abstraction in the Painting Tradition of East Asia

Sabine Amstad

Üben als Prozess

Practice as Process

Annegret Kehrbaum

Hannovers Abstrakte und Paris, 1930-33

Hanover’s Abstract Artists and Paris, 1930-33

Biografien der Autoren

Biographies of the Authors

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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