Dissertation: Europa- und verfassungsrechtliche Anforderungen an die Leistungen für Asylbewerber

Europa- und verfassungsrechtliche Anforderungen an die Leistungen für Asylbewerber

Studien zum Sozialrecht, volume 40

Hamburg , 474 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-7842-5 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-07842-1 (eBook)


[…] Ihr Werk kann als hervorragende Anleitung zum Abriss des "Überbaus" gelesen werden, sollte der Entwurf Gesetz werden. Für die Zwischenzeit liefert das Buch nicht nur der Wissenschaft, sondern auch der Rechtspraxis wertvolle Hinweise zum Arbeiten auf der Baustelle des Asylbewerberleistungsrechts.
Frank Schreiber in: Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht und Ausländerpolitik, ZAR 1/2015

About this book deutschenglish

The author discusses the reconcilability of the reception conditions for asylum seekers provided in German law (AsylbLG) with national constitutional law and European law.

Beginning with genesis and principles of the AsylbLG, the author gives detailed comments on the several provisions, options of reduction and extension of reception conditions as well as the regulations governing the offsetting of benefits against the asylum seeker's own available means.

The section concerning European law presents an exhaustive analysis of Art. 13 to 20 of the COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 2003/9/EC of 27 January 2003 laying down minimum standards for the reception of asylum seekers in the light of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the ECHR (general scale and substance of material reception conditions and health care, special provisions for persons with special needs and their identification, options for reduction or withdrawal of reception conditions). An evaluation of the legal transposition and practical implementation of the directive shows that the regulations of the AsylbLG are insufficient to guarantee reception standards as they are foreseen by the directive. The evaluation is completed by a preview of the DIRECTIVE 2013/33/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 26 June 2013 laying down standards for the reception of applicants for international protection (recast) containing the essential modifications relating to the aforementioned provisions.

The section dealing with constitutional law is based on the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court of 18 July 2012 (1 BvL 10/10) with regard to the right of asylum seekers to receive benefits guaranteeing a humane minimum standard of living. Due to the principles of the decision concerning the measurement of these benefits, the author also develops benchmarks for health care and special guarantees for persons with special needs. Since one of the main principles of the AsylbLG is provision in kind, the dissertation also focuses on the legitimacy of provisions in kind. The author concludes that these must not be offered for an unrestricted period but be temporary and at most for the duration of the asylum seeker's stay in reception centres (three months maximum).

Finally the author discusses the options for reforming the benefits provided to ensure a humane minimum standard of living for asylum seekers. As a result, the legislator either has to adopt basic changes to the principles and regulations of the AsylbLG or – preferably – to abolish the AsylbLG and to reintegrate the benefits for asylum seekers in the system of social aid provided for nationals (SGB XII/II).

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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