Habilitationsschrift: Selbstbestimmt lehren und lernen

Selbstbestimmt lehren und lernen

Lehrer/innen zwischen Autonomie und beruflichem Druck

Schriften zur pädagogischen Psychologie, volume 61

Hamburg , 444 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-7612-4 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-07612-0 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

This study – based on Deci & Ryan’s Self-Determination Theory – is dedicated to the motivation of teachers and therefore focuses on an important aspect for teaching and learning. Numerous research results illustrate how teachers can motivate their pupils. The professional motivation of teachers and how they experience their work conditions play an important role in this respect, although educational research hardly picked up this theme so far. The presented empirical study following a mixed-methods-design concentrates on the job-related satisfaction of the needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness and identifies pressure inducing sources in the teaching profession. Moreover relations between basic psychological needs satisfaction, perceived pressure, self-efficacy, proactive attitude und team orientation of teachers are analysed. All in all 732 secondary school teachers from Austria participated in a quantitative questionnaire-based study. In addition 21 teachers were interviewed in a qualitative survey to gain more insight concerning perceived pressure. The results emphasise the importance of basic psychological needs in the teaching profession and highlight aspects that can put teachers under pressure. These findings lead to practical recommendations how to improve the satisfaction of the basic psychological needs of teachers and point out which arrangements can reduce job-related pressure on teachers and help teachers to cope with pressure inducing sources. Designing supportive work environments for teachers can improve their professional motivation and creates conducive conditions for self-determined teaching and learning in schools.

Kontakt zur Autorin

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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Die Ungewissheit im Lehrberuf

Orientierungsstil, Motivationsstrategie und Bezugsnorm-Orientierung bei Lehrer/innen

Hamburg , ISBN 978-3-8300-3084-3 (Print) | ISBN 978-3-339-03084-9 (eBook)