Martin GebhardtEventkultur, Mediengesellschaft und Lernen: Das Museum im 21. Jahrhundert
Der Web-Auftritt ausgewählter deutscher und englischer Museen sowie Erfahrungen aus der Praxis des British Museum
Museums- und Austellungswesen in Theorie und Praxis, volume 2
Hamburg 2013, 580 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-7463-2 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-07463-8 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
Martin Gebhardt combines the topics of new media, event culture and learning at museums and analyses German and British museum websites and Facebook pages to see how museums in the 21st century communicate with their audiences. The findings enhance the discussion on the use of museums as cultural institutions and show the potentials the internet poses to museums. The first part presents a theoretical background for the relevant topics in this book, which is the basis for the practical analysis in part two. This is as the centre of the book and analyses the information presented by the institutions as well as communication between the museums and their visitors. It gives special focus to qualitative comments by visitors. The third part links the theory with museum practice: the author interviewed eleven Heads of Department at the British Museum on relevant issues for museums in the 21st century. Links become evident as this book allows comparisons between German and English museum strategies.Keywords
21. JahrhundertBlockbusterBritish MuseumFacebookGeschichtsdidaktikHomepageMediengesellschaftMuseumWebseiteIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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