Florian BuchmayrDie Bildungstempel des Hermes
Historische und gegenwärtige Entwicklungen in der Berufsbildung Österreichs unter dem Aspekt der Kondratieff-Zyklen
Studien zur Berufspädagogik, volume 47
Hamburg 2013, 450 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-7364-2 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-07364-8 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
In the age of financial-, debt- and economic crises there is the question of what is the best vocational education that can meet the challenges of an unpredictable future. This is the main focus of this book. It analyzes the effects of the economic cycles on Austria’s educational landscape. The present five identified Kondratieff-Cycles serve as parameters for the assessment. Based on the quoted literature the research in the first part of the book takes a closer look at the correlation between the economic development, reflected in a description of the national living- and working conditions in Austria and the commercial law, and the development of the Austrian educational system. In addition to that the present book shows that the economic crises at the end of the first decade of the 21th century was not at all unpredictable. This crises, however, led to a situation of economic and consequently also educational insecurity. Given that factor of insecurity it is extremely difficult to specialize - particularly in the sector of the dual education – and so the second part of this book presents the project “Lehre mit Matura” that offers apprentices a chance not only to complete their final apprenticeship examination but also to take a school leaving examination which qualifies them for university entrance. This project can be seen as an alternative to the traditional professional training. The following statements are based on an explorative survey which was carried out by asking the teaching staff who are involved in this project to fill in questionnaires. The findings of this survey should be the starting point for further research in this field and therefore this paper ends with a catalogue of recommendations for the future development of the project “Lehre mit Matura”.Keywords
apprenticeshipcommercial collegedual educationeconomic cyclesKondratieff-Cyclestechnical collegevocational schoolsvocational training“Lehre mit Matura” apprentices are given a chance not only to complete their final apprenticeship examination but also to take a school leaving examination which qualifies them for university entranceIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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