Dissertation: Grundlagen der Arbeitsvertragstheorie im 19. Jahrhundert in Deutschland und in England

Grundlagen der Arbeitsvertragstheorie im 19. Jahrhundert in Deutschland und in England

Eine vergleichende Ideengeschichte

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

Rechtsgeschichtliche Studien, volume 61

Hamburg , 552 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-7157-0 (print) |ISBN 978-3-339-07157-6 (eBook)


[...] So zeigt die sorgfältige Arbeit die wirtschaftstheoretischen Vorstellungen als Grundlage politischen Handelns und damit rechtlicher Ausgestaltung ausführlich auf [...].

Ihre umfängliche und breit angelegte Darstellung leistet so einen konsequenten und willkommenen Beitrag zu den geistesgeschichtlichen Grundlagen des geltenden Rechts.

Gerold Neusser in: Savigny Zeitschrift für Rechtsgeschichte, ZRG GA 132 (2015)

[...] aus einer ursprünglich rechtsvergleichenden Untersuchung des deutschen und englischen Streikrechts im 20. Jahrhundert in längeren Jahren erwachsene, von Mathias Schmoeckel betreute, von der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung geförderte, am 26. 11. 2012 von der juristischen Fakultät der Universität Bonn angenommene, vor allem auf ökonomietheoretische Literatur gestützte, aber auch Coing, Dütz, Gierke, Hueck/Nipperdey, Lotmar, Picker, Ramm, Richardi, Rückert, Schmoeckel, Sinzheimer oder Söllner [...] berücksichtigende Dissertation [...].

[...] Sie behandelt dabei nacheinander Adam Smith, den Sozialismus (William Godwin, Robert Owen), Thomas Robert Malthus, David Ricardo, John Ramsay McCulloch, Robert Torrens, John Stuart Mill einerseits und Friedrich List, Wilhelm Georg Friedrich Roscher, Karl von Rodbertus-Jagetzow, Ferdinand Lassalle, Bruno Hildebrand, Karl Knies, Gustav Schmoller, Gustav Schönberg, Adolph Wagner und Lujo Brentano andererseits. [...]

Gerhard Köbler in: Zeitschrift integrativer europäischer Rechtsgeschichte, ZIER 3 (2013) 59

About this book deutschenglish

The subject of labour law emerged in Germany as a separate discipline as late as the beginning of the 20th century. Nevertheless the roots of modern German labour law – and through Otto Kahn-Freund of English and British labour law as well – can be traced back to the writings of a group of so-called social reformers in Germany in the last third of the 19th century. As the perspective of these writers was chiefly a sociological and economical one, their writings were regarded for a long time as the subject of investigations on economic and social history. Insofar as legal historians turned to investigating these writings, they concentrated on the treatment of legal issues more generally and the labour contract more specifically.

The present book on the contrary investigates the economic and sociological analysis of these authors and traces the influences on their thought and the roots of their propositions. Thus it presents an effort to trace the roots of thinking on what is presently understood to be the labour contract back to 1776. That is the reason why this investigation of legal history does not primarily focus on legal sources but rather on literature treating the topics from an economical and sociological point of view. In doing this it takes as its starting point the close connection between legal and economic theories about the shape of labour relations in the 19. century. In order to ascertain the principles the different theories are built upon as well as the assumptions and preconditions on which they rest, the investigation in the present book focuses on the primary sources and presents them in the context of their emergence. In doing this the attempt is made to extract the implications of economic theories for the legal regulation.

Thus the present book attempts to put the development of thought leading to the emergence of the notion of the “labour contract” and of labour law in a new perspective. In this way it contributes to a better understanding of the preconceptions which lie at the heart of modern labour law.


Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

Bibliothek, Bücher, Monitore

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