Forschungsarbeit: Koreanische Kunst und Kultur

Koreanische Kunst und Kultur

Schriften zur Kulturwissenschaft, volume 99

Hamburg , 128 pages

ISBN 978-3-8300-7100-6 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-07100-2 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

Traditional Korean art and culture must be considered in the context of the religious philosophy and Aesthetic in Korea, because it is based on pursuit of naturalness which expresses itself through the medium of art. Korea’s modern and contemporary art, in contrast, has been influenced by western culture and philosophy. They should be regarded within the scope of political and social change in Korea and, if possible, the approach should point out how technical development has influenced various artistic genres and especially contemporary Korean art and culture. This is followed by a critical examination of traditional and modern Korean family culture that arises in connection with the gender studies point of view. Finally, further results of the research assignment on this topic will be analyzed and the resulting perspectives for future research in the field of cultural change in Korea will be shown. So, on the one hand a distinguished insight into Korean art and culture shall be gained, and on the other hand its own scientific achievement will be shown more precisely.

Kontakt zur Autorin

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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