Ibrahim Fagaye SissokoDer Demokratisierungsprozess in Afrika am Beispiel von Mali
Demokratie und Demokratisierungsprozesse, volume 1
Hamburg 2004, 320 pages
ISBN 978-3-8300-1483-6 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-01483-2 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglishfrançais
This PhD thesis will not only explain the political events in Mali since the overthrow of the military dictatorship in 1991, but will also show and analyze how the population experienced the process of democratization and deal with their expectations and demands. To this end I carried out intensive field research in situ in 1999, eight years after the beginning of the process, using various interviewing techniques (such as the “palaver tree interview”). Just as the growing-up process of a child cannot be analyzed without taking into consideration its origins(parents and ancestors),
Mali`s past must also be taken into account for this research work. Therefore, the history of Mali is traced and analyzed from the pre-colonial era to the beginning of democratization and its relevance for today`s process of democratization is shown.
Prior to my field research I studied the theses of various political scientists on democratization (S. Amin, W. Kühne, J.-F. Bayart and R. Tetzlaff) and examined as well as rated them with my thesis in mind. An important chapter concerning the process of democratization is the examination of the postcolonial era, in which the term of office of the socialist government under Modibo Keïtas (1960-1968) and the time of the military dictatorship under Moussa Traoré (1968-1991) are described and analyzed. The next chapter deals with the fight for democratization. It depicts and analyzes the work of the interim government as well as the office period of the elected democratic government and its most important institutions. Furthermore, conflicts and obstacles to the process of democratization are shown (such as social crises, corruption and the Tuareg conflict) and the policy of decentralization is explained.
The chapter about the population`s expectations from democracy contains the results of my several months` field research. After describing the research methods and procedures the results of the interviewing of the various population groups are presented. In the final chapter I do not only draw conclusions but also explain my own theses on and criteria for democratization and illustrate them in a diagram, which I developed myself, the “tree of democratization”.
AfrikaDemokratieDemokratisierungDezentralisierungFranzösisch-SudanKönigreich MaliKolonisierungNachkoloniale RegimesPolitikwissenschaftRechtsstaatlichkeitIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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