Olaf MertelsmannDer stalinistische Umbau in Estland
Von der Markt- zur Kommandowirtschaft
Hamburger Beiträge zur Geschichte des östlichen Europa, Band 14
Hamburg 2006, 306 Seiten
ISBN 978-3-8300-1463-8 (Print)
ISBN 978-3-339-01463-4 (eBook)
[…] The special situation of the newly acquired territories that were reoccupied in 1944, and the resulting differences to the rest of the union, make the book an interesting read.[…]
It is the first post-Soviet attempt to provide an overview ober the economic sovietization in Estonia. And in contrast to many other overviews it is mainly based on a wide range of archival sources. It is true, the statistical work inevitably suffers from a certain amount of incredibility of the sources and can sometimes be done only by means of small case studies. However, Mertelsmann uses the quantitative material in a cautious way and juxtaposes it with a great amount of narrative statements that give insight into the daily practices of the Soviet economy. The outcome is a very readable and useful account of the Soviet command economy in Estonia.
Weitere Bücher des Autors
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