Alex LudwigCovid-19 als „Black Swan“ Ereignis
Untersuchung zur Bestätigung oder Widerlegung der „Modern Monetary Theory“ Annahmen in Krisenzeiten
Wirtschaftspolitik in Forschung und Praxis, volume 84
Hamburg 2025, 164 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-14310-5 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-14311-2 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
COVID-19 as a "Black Swan" Event – An Investigation to Confirm or Refute the Assumptions of Modern Monetary Theory in Times of Crisis
Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) has gained increasing prominence since the financial crisis of 2008. But how do its fundamental assumptions hold up in a global crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic, an unexpected "Black Swan" event?
In his debut work, Alex Ludwig presents a comprehensive analysis of MMT, critically examining its applicability in times of crisis. By integrating insights from leading experts and critics, including interviews with MMT founders Dr. Warren Mosler and Prof. Dr. Randall Wray, the book offers an in-depth look into the current debates surrounding MMT. The inclusion of both pro and con expert opinions enables readers to form their own well-informed opinions.
Under the guidance of Helmut Siller, this work combines academic rigor with practical relevance:
"As the academic director of the programs operated by ELC in cooperation with FH Burgenland, I can only recommend this well-founded master's thesis to practitioners and those interested in economic topics. I am convinced of the success of the publication of this work and wish Alex Ludwig and the publisher appropriate reviews."
Why Read This Book?
- Current Relevance: The analysis of MMT in the context of the COVID-19 crisis provides valuable insights into current economic policy challenges.
- Objective Examination: Without taking a specific stance, the book promotes a deeper understanding of macroeconomic theories.
- Diversity of Perspectives: By incorporating both pro and con expert opinions from the interview partners, a balanced view is presented.
Who Should Read This Book?
Anyone interested in better understanding the complex mechanisms of the global economy and staying informed about current economic policy debates—whether students, professionals, or engaged laypersons.
Discover new perspectives on our monetary system and deepen your understanding of global financial dynamics.
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Black Swan EreignisBlack Swan eventCentral banksCoronaCOVID-19 pandemicCOVID-19 PandemieCrisis managementDebt reductionEconomic crisisEconomic impacts of COVID-19Economic policyEconomicsEconomic theoryExperteninterviewsExpert interviewsFinancial marketFinancial scienceFinanzmarktFinanzwissenschaftFiscal policyFiskalpolitikGeldpolitikGlobales FinanzsystemGlobal financial systemKrisenmanagementKrisenzeitenMacroeconomicsMakroökonomieModern Monetary Theory (MMT)Monetary policyNational debtPro and con MMTPro und Contra MMTPublic financesSchuldenabbauStaatsfinanzenStaatsverschuldungTimes of crisisVolkswirtschaftslehreWirtschaftliche Auswirkungen von COVID-19WirtschaftskriseWirtschaftspolitikWirtschaftstheorieZentralbankenIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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