Tilman BoynTypisch Familienunternehmer? Untersuchung zur Heterogenität von Familienunternehmern im Bereich nachhaltiger Personalarbeit
Interdisziplinäre Schriftenreihe „Familienunternehmen“, volume 9
Hamburg 2024, 420 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-14182-8 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-14183-5 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
What characterizes the conduct of medium-sized family businesses?
While research to date has mainly concentrated on the dichotomous consideration of family-run vs. non-family-run companies, this work makes an important contribution to research into the heterogeneity of family businesses.
The focus of the explorative qualitative research work is on the entrepreneur as the person who decisively shapes the actions of a family business.
By reconstructing the subjective theory structures of family entrepreneurs regarding their actions in the area of sustainable HR work, central reasons for their actions are identified. The SEW model is used to structure and classify the results.
As a result, four types of family entrepreneurs can be identified, which differ from each other in their motives for action and implementation. In addition, the SEW model is further developed by identifying a possible sixth dimension.
FamilienunternehmenFamilienunternehmerInhabergeführte UnternehmenKMUNachhaltige PersonalarbeitNachhaltige UnternehmensführungNachhaltigkeitPersonalmanagementSEW-ModellSozio-emotionales VermögenSubjektive TheorienUnternehmertypenIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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