Harald BräuchleRisiko- und Unsicherheitsmanagement in Serienentwicklungsprojekten
Empirische Analysen anhand eines Beispiels der Automobilzulieferindustrie
Schriftenreihe technische Forschungsergebnisse, volume 53
Hamburg 2024, 568 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-14106-4 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-14107-1 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
The automotive industry faces a fundamental transformation process. This confronts automotive suppliers with the challenge to implement adequate mechanisms for managing risks and uncertainties in series development projects to safeguard the success of those projects.
In this book it is analyzed how key mechanisms of project risk and uncertainty management, i.e. formal, coordinative and learning oriented mechanisms, effect the project success of series development projects. Further, the book investigates the mediation effects of formal mechanisms. Additionally, moderation effects considering specific sources of uncertainty and unforeseen uncertainty are analyzed.
At first, a qualitative pre-study is conducted to identify the relevance of selected variables for series development projects. In a second step a quantitative study is conducted to analyze the relationships of the selected variables. A major finding of this study is that coordinative and learning oriented mechanisms do not only have a direct effect on the success of series development projects, but especially an indirect effect. The key role of the project risk management process as a mediator needs to be highlighted.
The results shown in this book complement and extent the previous understanding of project risk and uncertainty management research, especially the relationship between different mechanisms and project success. For practitioners this implies that coordinative and learning oriented mechanisms should not be used as a substitute but as a supplement to formal mechanisms. Furthermore, the results provide indications regarding the tailoring of different mechanisms when considering specific sources of uncertainty and unforeseen uncertainty.
AutomobilindustrieAutomobilzuliefererIngenieurwissenschaftProduktentwicklungProjektProjektmanagementRisikoRisikomanagementSerienentwicklungUnsicherheitUnsicherheitsmanagementIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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