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Marken im Kontext von Kultur und Sprache / Márkák a kultúra és a nyelv kontextusában

Die kulturelle Vermittlungsfunktion österreichischer und ungarischer Marken / Osztrák és magyar márkák kultúraközvetítő szerepe

PHILOLOGIA – Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse, volume 275

Hamburg , 500 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-13782-1 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-13783-8 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

It is generally accepted that brands and culture are inseparable. However, how are brands and culture connected in neighboring countries that can reflect on a long, shared, and eventful history? What associations do well-known brands evoke in the two countries? What characterizes brand names, packaging, and advertising in both countries? In the project "Brands as carriers of culture. The cultural mediating role of Austrian and Hungarian products - a contrastive linguistic-pragmatic study" funded by the Action Austria-Hungary Foundation, these questions were examined in the context of the linguistics and economics.

The bilingual volume contains 12 contributions in Hungarian and 10 in German and presents primarily the research results of this project. All contributions deal with the interconnections between brands and cultures from contrasting aspects; they compare the linguistic and cultural origins and effects of brand names. The methodological diversity and the interdisciplinary approach enable to discuss the intertwined relationships between brand, culture, language, and economy from many perspectives. In addition to contributions from linguists and economists, the volume also includes student publications that represent the younger generation's views. Some contributions look even beyond the borders of Austria and Hungary and examine the topic in a broader context. All these aspects make the volume an exciting read.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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