Till Kotterer-RädeckeCharaktereigenschaften des französischen Insolvenzrechts
Eine Darstellung der Rechtsentwicklung entlang ihrer Protagonisten von Napoleon I. bis heute
Insolvenzrecht in Forschung und Praxis, volume 127
Hamburg 2024, 310 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-13774-6 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-13775-3 (eBook)
[…] Der Autor will mit seiner Arbeit dem Leser die Entwicklung des französischen Insolvenzrechts erschließen und damit die Harmonisierungsbestrebungen der EU in diesem Bereich fördern. Eine geradlinige, klare Entwicklung gibt es allerdings nicht. So geht Kotterer-Rädecke zu Recht immer wieder auf die wirtschaftliche Lage Frankreichs ein, vor deren Hintergrund es zu Änderungen im Insolvenzrecht kam. […]
About this book deutschenglishenglish
The author presents the development of the French insolvency procedure by means of its protagonists. The topic could hardly be more up to date in view of the current discussion on further harmonization of insolvency law in the EU and between Germany and France.
First, a historical introduction takes the reader to the actual starting point of the study itself, the Code de commerce of 1807.
In the second chapter, the author deals with the insolvent debtor. Initially, the debtor was in a very bad position. It was only in the run-up to the insolvency law reform of 1967 that it was recognized that a punitive insolvency law did not correspond to modern economic reality. In 1985, the paradigm shift was completed to give top priority to business restructuring. Statistics alone show that the majority of cases still end in liquidation.
Creditors, the subject of chapter 3, have suffered most from the evolution of French insolvency law. Since 1967, they have been increasingly relegated to the background. In 1985, creditors were reduced to the role of extras. As a result of the impact on the willingness to grant credit, the situation of creditors then gradually improved somewhat.
Along with the debtor, the powers of the insolvency court, which is the focus of chapter 4, were also strengthened in the course of legal development. The court evolved from a decision-making body that enforced the criminal purpose to a super manager of the proceedings.
Chapter 5 of the thesis is devoted to the insolvency administrator. In the course of the development, the judicialisation of the proceedings has led to the administrator becoming more and more the extended arm of the insolvency court.
Finally, a separate chapter 6 is dedicated to the grounds for opening insolvency proceedings. For a long time, cessation des paiements was not defined by law. It was not until the 1985 reform that it was clarified as occurring when the debtor is unable to service the liabilities due with the assets available.
French insolvency and reorganization law has evolved into a comprehensive toolbox. The future will show whether reorganization will also become a de facto procedural objective in France.
Kontakt zum Autor
EuropaFrancois MitterandFrankreichInsolvenzrechtKapitalmarktunionNapoleon I.RechtsgeschichteRechtsvergleichungRestrukturierungSanierungSchuldnerschutzUnternehmensrechtIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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