Juri RebkowetzKontakte, Konflikte, Kooperationen: Deutsch-skandinavische Beziehungen im amerikanischen Upper Midwest, 1850–1900
Studien zur Geschichtsforschung der Neuzeit, volume 107
Hamburg 2023, 316 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-13400-4 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-13401-1 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
During the 19th century many Europeans left their home for the United States of America where they hoped for a life free of poverty, religious persecution and political discrimination. Among them was a noticeable large number of people from German speaking areas as well as from Scandinavia. Many of them moved to midwestern states like Minnesota or Wisconsin. Up to this day the former is considered the Scandinavian state per se while the latter is still seen as a center of German heritage.
In an environment significantly shaped by both ethnic groups, regular contacts between them must have been inevitable in day-to-day life, for example at work or during one of the many social events. In politics, severe conflicts could evolve around issues like prohibition or the Civil War. At the same time closer German-Scandinavian collaboration especially in local politics was not uncommon. A special partnership was also prevalent in matters of faith. For the mostly highly religious immigrants churches played very vital roles in personal lives as well as in social debates and developments. Extensive parochial structures were as much desired as they were expected and in order to create them cooperation to a larger degree was necessary. This was particularly true at the early stage of the immigration and in case of Lutheran congregations which frequently were founded as multiethnic bodies but later often dissolved along national lines or after theological disputes.
Thus far little research has been done on the nature of German-Scandinvian immigrant relations. This work is trying to fill the existing gap by examining their interactions on above mentioned fields through a detailed analysis of various primary sources like newspapers, travel diaries and emigrant letters. In addition to a cultural studies approach aspects of gender and race are dealt with, as both were essential elements of the acculturation process that the immigrants unavoidably had to face.
Kontakt zum Autor
19. JahrhundertAkkulturationAmerikaDeutschlandGeschichteInterkulturelle BeziehungenKulturwissenschaftMidwestMigrationMinnesotaMittlerer WestenSkandinavienUSAWisconsinIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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