Forschungsarbeit: Symbole der Altsteinzeit: Pränatalpsychologie der künstlerischen Ursprünge

Symbole der Altsteinzeit: Pränatalpsychologie der künstlerischen Ursprünge

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

Studienreihe psychologische Forschungsergebnisse, volume 203

Hamburg , 228 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-13344-1 (print) |ISBN 978-3-339-13345-8 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

The earliest images and works of art of mankind fascinate us today since their discovery. The impact of this complex art is overwhelming: for example, the cave of Lascaux was called the Sistine Chapel of the Stone Age. Researchers considered the decorated Stone Age caves as sanctuaries where man invented art and religion. What can be said about the psychological processes involved in these creative expressions? This book attempts to find answers using approaches from prenatal psychology, depth psychology, and object relations theory. The empirical results are based on detailed picture-hermeneutic studies of Paleolithic artworks

The starting point is the assumption that every human being has experiences in his own prenatal prehistory that can be found again in his dreams, fantasies and in his art. These early experiences shape our unconscious. By comparing numerous works of art from the Paleolithic period, it is shown that certain visual aspects of these symbolic images may have originated in the prenatal period. Unconscious fantasies flow into the artistic process and help to shape the resulting image. The early tactile experience of the umbilical cord and placenta plays a central role in this complex memory process. But also the transfer of parental images to the frightening animals of prehistory and their illustration becomes recognizable.

The prenatal psychological approach sheds light on the unconscious aspects of mankind's earliest art, on the symbolism of numerous designs and the color red, on fantasies and images of large, powerful animals, on the wavy-line decorations of numerous works of art, and above all on the feminine symbolism of the cave and the cave entrance.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

Bibliothek, Bücher, Monitore

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