Frank Bruno WildEudämonische Asketik
Diskurs im Maßhalten
BOETHIANA – Forschungsergebnisse zur Philosophie, volume 184
Hamburg 2023, 134 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-13310-6 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-13311-3 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
The term of „Eudaemonic Asceticism" is composed of ancient Greek items like eu (good), daimon (spirit), and askesis (practice). It means in this version "blissful practice". The career of terms like askesis and eudaimonia is initiated in ancient Greece within a radius of philosophies formed by Socrates (areté=virtue), Plato, and Aristotle.
Ascetic practices of both virtuous self-restraint and social welfare are also known in religions such as Buddhism and Christianity. The author strives to connect both approaches to an ethical formula, which implies reflections of Anglo-Saxon Communitarism.
Whereby extremely utopic seeming structures of responsibility should be activated (minimal state, neighborhoods, small-scale societies and so on). They are small in fact, but not obliged to run through tortuous processes for encountering planetary challenges like Covid 19, climate crisis, and neo-imperialism. Worldwide interacting projects of similar types might have been leading to a dedicated political mind of self-respect. That's based not only on ascetic discipline but also on selfdetermination in cultivation.
Suchlike models culminate in scopes of an ascetic optimum, which includes central positions of Eudaemonic Asceticism: 1. optimal state of health by physical activity and organically cooked food, 2. optimal incrementalism by mental liberty, 3. existential optimum by control of inhuman risks, and 4. temporal elimination of digital technology by means of self-reliant phases of returning to analog ways of life.
Kontakt zum Autor
Asketische RenaissanceAsketisches OptimumBewusste Reversion angenehmer körperlicher ErfahrungenEthikEudämonische AsketikInnere OrteInverse EntzugserwartungKonsumgesellschaftMaßhaltenPhilosophieProduktive KrümmungWeltzeitenwendeIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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