Eleonora Ciani / Marcus FasslBegehren als materiell-diskursives Phänomen
Eine queere, autoethnographische Erkundung
Gender&Agency-Preis der Universität Wien 2019
Gender Studies – Interdisziplinäre Schriftenreihe zur Geschlechterforschung, volume 37
Hamburg 2022, 196 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-12708-2 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-12709-9 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
Defining desire generally remains quite a cumbersome task due to the multiplicity and versatility of its conceptual nuances. Desire inevitably plays a significant role, especially for people who identify as queer or non-normative, where the desiring of, or for, individuals can be ascribed as marginalized or excluded from a "normal majority" by the majority itself. Although Queer Theory has debunked many of the fundamental assumptions underlying continuities between categories such as desire, gender and sexuality as, inter alia, discursive-linguistic constructs, material dimensions of desire have yet to be adequately explored. This thesis portrays an autoethnographic journey through landscapes of desire and links personal experience to several theoretical approaches that the authors came across in the course of their research. Especially a queer-feminist reading of new materialisms can widen perceptions of desire and offer valuable insights into how and where desire might occur. How can thinking, speaking and writing about desire be redesigned in a way that it is not already restricted by dominant and normative frames of reference, but rather undermines both mechanisms of social exclusion and essentializations?
Gender&Agency-Preis der Universität Wien 2019
Agentieller RealismusAutoethnographieBegehrenKörperlichkeitNeuer MaterialismusPerformatives IchPostkonstruktionismusPsychoanalyseQueer TheorySexualitätSituiertes WissenIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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