Dissertation: Diversität und Inklusion in der Lehrkräftebildung

Diversität und Inklusion in der Lehrkräftebildung

Eine Evaluationsstudie zu den Auswirkungen von universitären Aus- und Fortbildungsangeboten auf die Professionalisierung von Lehramtsstudierenden sowie Lehrkräften

LEHRE & FORSCHUNG – Hochschule im Fokus.
Interdisziplinäre Schriftenreihe zu Hochschulbildung, Hochschulleben, Hochschulmanagement und Hochschulpolitik
, volume 34

Hamburg , 262 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-12602-3 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-12603-0 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

Diversity and inclusion are currently the two most important issues in teacher training. Therefore, the Goethe University Frankfurt founded in close cooperation with the Hessian ministry of education and cultural affairs the “Arbeitsstelle für Diversität und Unterrichtsentwicklung – Didaktische Werkstatt”. Its objective is to educate teachers and students alike in the fields of diversity and inclusion.

This study examines to what extent different formats of trainings and professionalization contribute to a significant increase in the competence of the participants. The following three competence facets were examined: attitudes, procedural knowledge and self-efficacy expectations for inclusive teaching. In the course of the evaluation study various training and education formats for students and teachers were examined using a pre-test post-test design, with the three competence facets were measured at the beginning and at the end of the offers. The different formats are designed for specific target groups and they differ in duration and intensity of linking practice and theory. In addition to that, the influence of other factors, for example previous professional experiences or the studied school form, is examined.

The evaluation study show that the three competences facets of the participants have increased – with the self-efficacy expectation increased the most. Furthermore, the study proves that the increase in the three competence facets depended on the specific format, the target group, the duration and on the fact how intense theory and practice were linked. These results are presented and critically discussed in this book.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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