Sammelband: Marginalized Groups in Antiquity

Marginalized Groups in Antiquity

Studien zur Geschichtsforschung des Altertums, volume 44

Hamburg , 274 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-12578-1 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-12579-8 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

Historiography usually focuses on free, rich, healthy, influential men who are full members of their political communities. The other people - women, strangers, unfree, sick or poor - were often ignored and overlooked. This volume aims to focus on those groups of the population who have received little attention for a long time - from their contemporaries as well as from modern research. It wants to give a voice to people whose voices are barely audible in the sources by dealing with the people who lived on the margins of ancient society and who were legally, socially, economically and/or religiously disadvantaged. This volume examines selected aspects of the history of ancient marginalized groups from a broad chronological and geographical perspective. The period under consideration ranges from the Bronze Age advanced civilizations of the Middle East to late antiquity, the geographical framework from Roman Italy to China. It contains contributions from scholars from Austria, Germany, Poland, Spain, China and Japan who deal with women in the Bible and in Greek literature, enemies, witches and astrologers in the ancient Near East, disabled people in antiquity, criminals and slaves in classical Greece, Roman hooligans and strangers in early medieval China.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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