Doktorarbeit: Strategic Corporate Brand Management of Multinational Corporations

Strategic Corporate Brand Management of Multinational Corporations

Analysis of Consumers’ Brand Perceptions and Effects, and the Role of Contextual Factors

Studien zum Konsumentenverhalten, volume 88

Hamburg , 282 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-12014-4 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-12015-1 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

The importance of corporate branding for addressing consumers across nations has been rarely researched. Multinational corporations (MNCs) face challenges with the cross-national management of its corporate brand as an intangible asset, in part as it is not treated equally across the globe. Reasons are variances in countries’ social-cultural settings. Moreover, considering the worldwide growth of overall advertising spending and digital media forces MNCs to rethink optimal budget allocation across nations and media. Addressing these issues, the dissertation consists of three studies:

Systematic Comparison of National Cultural Value Models. This study provides a systematic comparison of four major national cultural value models for perceived corporate reputation (CR) of MNCs across nations: Hofstede, Schwartz, the GLOBE study, and Inglehart. Two consumer surveys on an MNC and competitors in 25 countries were used to compare the roles of the cultural value models as antecedents of CR, using multilevel structural equitation modeling (MSEM).

Diverse Roles of Corporate Reputation Dimensions for MNCs. Extending the holistic research on CR, this study examines whether and how single CR dimensions affect consumers’ loyalty toward MNCs across nations. The dimensions of the predominant customer-based CR scale of Walsh and Beatty (2007) are studied: customer orientation, product range quality, social/environmental responsibility, good employer, and reliability/financial strength. Furthermore, important country-level moderators are analyzed. The study refers to consumer evaluations of an MNC in 44 countries using MSEM. A country portfolio is provided, which offers options for standardized operations in groups of countries with similar country characteristics and CR effects.

Joint Roles of Digital Media and Communication Budgets for MNCs. MNCs face challenges in effectively adjusting their communication and budgets across nations due to the penetration of new media in a changing digital environment. Corporate communication budgets managed in headquarters and local media penetration are central to corporate brand effects across nations. However, it remains unclear whether digital vs. traditional media outlets expose consumers to global stimuli and have strengthened effects across nations. Moreover, how communication budgets adjusted to media penetration strengthen brand effects is unexplored. This study links consumer behavior, local media contexts and managerial decisions. It refers to consumer evaluations of an MNC in 44 countries and country-level data using three-way interactions and MSEM.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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