Forschungsarbeit: Kompetentes Handeln im Jobcenter

Kompetentes Handeln im Jobcenter

Band I: Kompetenz aus Sicht der Grundsicherungsträger und Integrationsfachkräfte

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

Studien zur Berufs- und Professionsforschung, volume 40

Hamburg , 404 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-11854-7 (print) |ISBN 978-3-339-11855-4 (eBook)


[...] Der Autor greift wesentliche Aspekte der Realität auf und verdichtet sie zu einem Modell kompetenten Handelns im Jobcenter. […] Dabei wird deutlich, dass sich Kompetenzen von Integrationsfachkräften im Jobcenter stets im Spannungsfeld widersprüchlicher Erwartungen realisieren. Es wird verständlich, warum diese Tätigkeit keinesfalls trivial ist, sondern die Bewältigung komplexer Anforderungen beinhaltet. Diese Analyse steht im Kontrast zu den meist einseitig negativ gefärbten medialen Darstellungen der Jobcenter. Sie zeigt, dass die Arbeit der Integrationskräfte vielseitig, aber auch anspruchsvoll ist und dass ihr ein kritisches und kritikwürdiges Potenzial bereits aus ihrem gesetzlichen Auftrag heraus inhärent ist. [...]

About this book deutschenglish

Job adviser in the job center are tasked with profiling und assessing the existing skills and potentials of long-term unemployed recipients of Arbeitslosengeld II. They have to advise them on educational opportunities and place them in work. Due to legal regulations which put job advisers in an ambivalent situation, achieving this is challenging. Job advisers are charged with helping their customers, but they also have to press them into unfavorable work since the Sozialgesetzbuch II deems every legal work appropriate. This duality of helping and hassling can make it difficult to establish a constructive rapport with customers. In addition, various cultural and industrial changes in the labor market make it increasingly difficult for long-term unemployed people, who often lack a high educated, to find work. In order to meet these challenges, job advisers have to systematically work out the skills of their customers, need to have a good overview of the local labor market and be able to deal with resistance and a lack of cooperation on the side of their customers. Job advisers in the job center have to remain irritable and be able to establish a rapport with their clients despite the contradictions inherent to their profession. In short: Being able to recognize competence requires job advisers to be competent themselves. But what does this competence include? Who determines what it means to be competent? And has competence - due to its positive connotation - not degenerated into a meaningless empty phrase? This is being reflected upon in the text on hand.

Following an epistemological explanation of what it means to be competent, it is described what the german Federal Employment Agency has defined as a relevant competence profile for job advisers. Subsequently, through the evaluation of qualitative interviews with 33 job advisers and 3 team leaders from 14 job centers in 8 federal states, it is worked out what the interviewees themselves name as central competencies they need to be able to perform their advisory, placement and administrative work adequately. A cross-case pattern is shown by the fact that the majority of the interviewees emphasize a positive attitude, tolerance of ambiguity, pragmatism, the ability to keep a distance, comprehensive labor market and professional knowledge, articulation skills, legal knowledge, emotional intelligence and a certain amount of ignorance as must-have-competence-factors. Why this is so, what is understood by it and to what extent these factors are already taken into account in the competency system of the Federal Employment Agency is explained in the text at hand.

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Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

Bibliothek, Bücher, Monitore

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