Daniela DrixlerDurchsetzung von Kartellschadensersatzansprüchen nach der Richtlinie 2014/104/EU
im Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Kompensation, Prävention und Mehrfachinanspruchnahme
Studienreihe wirtschaftsrechtliche Forschungsergebnisse, volume 211
Hamburg 2020, 446 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-11632-1 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-11633-8 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
The provisions of the Directive 2014/104/EU on antitrust damages actions raise the question whether they ensure a sufficient overall approach with regard to simplifying and strengthening private enforcement in of cartel damages claims. The Directive provides that damages are to be compensated at the distribution level where the damage actually occurred. This is usually the market level of indirect buyers, as direct cartel buyers often pass on price increases. Since the passing on of damages, together with the enlargement of the circle of indirect cartel buyers, is accompanied by a simultaneous reduction in the individual damages suffered, there is a rational disinterest for indirect buyers who have suffered cartel damages. Whether the Directive is able to overcome this rational disinterest in order to effectively guarantee the right to full compensation will be examined in the study. To this end, the author elaborates on the tension between compensation and prevention as well as between full compensation and the prohibition of overcompensation, as enshrined in the Directive. Then, an integrated analysis is made as to whether the enforcement deficits resulting from the tension in the Directive can be overcome by the Directive’s provisions alone or only by using collective redress instruments.
KartellrechtKartellrechtsdurchsetzungKartellschadensersatzKartellschadensersatzansprücheKollektiver RechtsschutzMittelbare AbnehmerPräventionPrivate EnforcementRationales DesinteresseRichtlinie 2014/104/EUSchadensersatzrichtlinieSchadensweiterwalzungStreuschädenZivilprozessrechtIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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