Forschungsarbeit: Kommunikationsstrategien der slowakischen Rechtsextremisten

Kommunikationsstrategien der slowakischen Rechtsextremisten

POLITICA – Schriftenreihe zur politischen Wissenschaft, volume 120

Hamburg , 174 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-11598-0 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-11599-7 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

The author analyzes communication strategies of Slovak right-wing extremists. His reasoning is based on the assumption that communication by right-wing extremists rests on finding enemies. Extreme parties deliberately create an image of the enemy. This strategy has several power-political goals. Besides mobilizing voters, it serves to strengthen cohesion within its own group of voters or supporters. Such a communication strategy helps to strengthen the importance of the missionary role of right-wing extremists. Right-wing extremists want to strengthen the notion that society is facing enemies to fight. The enemy category is broad in the mental world of extremists. First and foremost, they look at the Roma minority and immigrants, Muslims, Jews, politicians from the democratic center as important enemies, but also NGOs, banks, international organizations such as the European Union and the NATO. Their enemies are also states like the US and Israel. The author draws attention to several schizophrenic moments in the communication of Slovak right-wing extremists. On the one hand, they use God and biblical characters to express their relationship to faith, thereby mobilizing conservative voters, and on the other hand they have no problem to spread hatred and fear. The author also analyzes the position of right-wing extremists in the Slovak party system. He presents the most important moments of the origin and development of Slovak right-wing extremism.

Kontakt zum Autor

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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