David LichterWertsteigerung in kommerziell-orientierten Private Sharing-Prozessen
Entwicklung eines Vorgehensmodells zur Identifikation von Supporting Services in der Sharing Economy
Schriftenreihe innovative betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, volume 525
Hamburg 2020, 344 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-11590-4 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-11591-1 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
Numerous studies show that the share economy will play an important role in development of the future economy. In an article of the Time Magazine, Bryan Walsh even listed the share economy among the „10 Ideas That Will Change the World“. Although the sharing of goods is as old as mankind itself, recent developments in the field of information and communication technologies have given it a new „quality“ and dynamism of its own.
Since the Cebit’s leading theme in 2013 was „Shareconomy“, this „new sharing“ has also gained a place in business practice and has become the subject of many strategic considerations. Since then, a large number of empirical studies have been carried out, many of which were initiated by companies. But also the interest of science in the share economy is strong and anchored in the most diverse scientific disciplines (e.g. jurisprudence, psychology, sociology, economics). In contrast, research oriented towards business administration is comparatively small, and a large part of this research is concentrated on the question of the motives of economic actors to participate in the share economy. This is astonishing, since especially the sharing between private individuals (so-called private sharing) is usually in direct competition with the offers and activities of companies.
The research in this book examines the question of the extent to which the share economy leads to a change in the behaviour of economic actors and focuses in particular on the above-mentioned competition problem in private sharing. The author sees a possible solution to the competition problem in the transformation of the conflicting into a complementary target relationship. This is to be achieved by offering support services in private sharing which can create a particular increase in value for the private actors in the sharing process (so-called supporting services).
The research therefore focuses on the development of a process model „for the systematic identification of integration potential for value-added supporting services by external actors within the sharing process. In addition to the conceptual development of this process model, an empirical study of the application of the model to the concrete case of Private Car-Sharing is conducted.
AccessKollaborativer Konsumkonsumentenseitige NutzungsprozessePrivate SharingShareconomyShare EconomySharingSupporting ServicesVorgehensmodellWertschaffungWertsteigerungIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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