Alexandra SchickÖkologische Bildung in der Evangelischen Erwachsenenbildung Bayern –
zwischen Programm und Realität
Oder: Warum wächst der Mangold vor dem Evangelischen Bildungswerk?!
Studien zur Erwachsenenbildung, volume 49
Hamburg 2020, 586 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-11404-4 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-11405-1 (eBook)
[...] Mit ihrer Studie schließt Alexandra Schick eine wichtige Lücke in der bisherigen Forschung. Denn noch immer fehlt der Evangelischen Erwachsenenbildung eine qualifizierte wissenschaftliche Theorie-Praxis-Forschung. Alexandra Schick leistet mit ihrer Dissertation bezüglich der ökologischen Bildung dazu einen wichtigen Beitrag. Es wäre zu wünschen, dass ähnliche Arbeiten zu anderen Themen (spirituelle Bildung, inklusive Bildung, interreligiöse und interkulturelle Bildung etc.) folgen.
About this book deutschenglish
The Protestant Adult Education is dedicated to dealing not only with individual issues of life but also with global social and ecological questions of our time.
The main aspect of this survey about the Protestant Adult Education and the ecological education is to analyze how normative demands arising from ecology, theology and Church meet with response in 17 institutions of the Protestant Adult Education of Bavaria. Further, the degree of importance of ecological education as well as its intensity there is being observed.
Starting point of this survey is a holistic principle of ecological adult education, which offers multiple modes of access to the realm of nature while being a part of political education.
The ecological education and its place within the Protestant Adult Education of Bavaria are scrutinized via expert interviews with institution executives, through a program analysis based on a differentiated categorial system and by means of a concept analysis. Apparently, ecological education is considered relevant to and partly distinguishing for the Protestant Adult Education in terms of a competitive profile by most of the executives interviewed.
Nevertheless, there are notable differences in the realization of that concept throughout the institutes. Contemplating the overall concepts, one may find relevant secular and theological topics deep-seated there in most places. Taking a look at the programs offered then, one notices heterogeneity with respect to the quantitative and content-related realization of normative demands.
Similarly, the awareness of a reasonable use of resources is not necessarily followed by an environmentally sustainable behavior in the respective institutes because of the limited influence of local people in charge.
By illustrating possible basics of ecological education, by introducing the holistic approach and the differentiated content arising from that, and by analyzing practical educational work as well as respective options for establishing a profile by means of topics comprising ecological sustainability, this academic work attempts to further the reasonable justification of ecological education in order to gradually make it an integral part of the range of services offered by the Protestant Adult Education.
BayernBildung für nachhaltige EntwicklungDEAEDeutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Evangelische Erwachsenenbildung DeutschlandErwachsenenbildungKonziliarer ProzessNaturverständnisÖkologische BildungPolitische BildungSchöpfungstheologieIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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