Doktorarbeit: Die Rechtsnatur und die Funktionen der familien- bzw. betreuungsgerichtlichen Genehmigung

Die Rechtsnatur und die Funktionen der familien- bzw. betreuungsgerichtlichen Genehmigung

Unter Berücksichtigung der sich daraus ergebenden Konsequenzen für das Familien- bzw. das Betreuungsgericht sowie für den gesetzlichen Vertreter

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

Studien zum Familienrecht, volume 62

Hamburg , 608 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-11142-5 (print) |ISBN 978-3-339-11143-2 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

The German Civil Code contains numerous requirements regarding approvals by the Familiengericht (Family Court) and/or Betreuungsgericht (Guardianship Court) which have to be observed by the legal representative. In the present study, the author inquires into the legal nature and the puposes of such approvals, as well as the resulting consequences for the Familiengericht and/or the Betreuungsgericht and the legal representative, and carves out what the individual legal representatives have in common and how they differ regarding the approval requirements. With respect to this, the author also enters into the question if the term "Wohl und Interesse des Minderjährigen bzw. des Betreuten" (R.b.t.: well-being and interest of the individual placed unter limited guardianship or the minor) is a not determined concept of law or if it allows discretionary decisions, considers the analogy capacity and teleological reduction of individual facts requiring approval, as well as the Grundsatzentscheidung (R.b.t.: decision of principle, also named precedent, e.g.) established by the BGH (Federal High Court of Justice of Germany) regarding the requirement of sustaining or prolonging measures (so called "Hilfe zum Sterben" (attendance during the dying process)). The special status of § 1905 of the BGB (German Civil Code) in the scope of the facts requiring approval and the safeguarding purpose of the approval are explained.

The annex to the study contains a comprehensive classification of the facts requiring approval, arranged in different categories (facts requiring approval individually, matters subject to the law concerned with individuals/property, approval with interior/exterior effect, jurisdiction over the subject matter, jurisdiction based on the purpose, type of the field of the law, legal nature of the matter, purpose of the approval). Additionally, the parallelisms and differences between the parents, the Vormund (guardian) and the Betreuer (guardian with limited powers) are explained regarding the facts requiring approval. With respect to this background, the annex can serve as support for work concerned with education and practice.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

Bibliothek, Bücher, Monitore

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