Doktorarbeit: Die literarische Umsetzung von Identitäts- und Krisenerfahrungen

Die literarische Umsetzung von Identitäts- und Krisenerfahrungen

Die Suche nach einer modernen weiblichen Identität in der VR China der 1990er Jahre

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

POETICA – Schriften zur Literaturwissenschaft, volume 160

Hamburg , 342 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-11104-3 (print) |ISBN 978-3-339-11105-0 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

  In the period examined, women’s literature in China catches up with developments in Western (post-) modernist literature – in both: the formal design and in taboo-breaking narratives. Women’s literature is defined as literary texts written by women and dealing with women’s issues in a broad sense in this research. Literary criticism on that issue in the PRC of the 1990s as well as overlapping contents with feminist and gender literature are also dealt with. This research examines the question of how far women’s literature in the 1990s can be seen as an independent genre in the context of postponed modernity (postmodernism), which can be defined as such. This required the creation of a suitable evaluation catalogue.

  Due to the amount and variety of texts that can be classified as women’s literature in the PRC in that period, it deserves the rank of a literary school of its own. For the first time the social question of women was treated independently from the Marxist-Maoist eschatology of human emancipation, and that previous taboo topics like refusing the social and biological role of women (as wives, as mothers, as female partners of men – thus excluding lesbian relations) were explored. The authors Can Xue, Chi Li, Xu Xun and especially Chen Ran explored new artistic spaces in terms of form and content.

  The literary scene in China monitored this development with a huge interest, like for example in literary criticism. A more autonomous portrayal of women in literary texts was in line with the expressed desire of intellectuals in China to catch up with Western modernity as quickly as possible and to present Western phenomena as developments happening in their own country. The theoretical debate on the characteristics of that epoch to define it as either modern or even post-modern underlines this development.

  Furthermore, this research represents an extensive review and classification of the multitude of texts on women’s literature during the period investigated as well as the developments that paved the way for modern Chinese women’s literature.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

Bibliothek, Bücher, Monitore

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