Anton Grabner-HaiderDie Dynamik des Christentums
Im Vergleich der Weltkulturen
Schriften zur Religionswissenschaft, volume 12
Hamburg 2019, 150 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-10832-6 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-10833-3 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
Christianity is the biggest of the world religions with 2,4 billions followers. In the sight of cultural history this religion is a connection of the jewish-semitic and of the greek world interpretation. Therefore some teachings of greek philosophy, of the Stois and the Cynics, had come into christian philosophy. This religion is in a dynamical development, since it become the central religion of the Roman empire. After the rational enlightenment the process of cultural learning had been enforced. Therefore the natural scienes and the human rights could only emerge within christian civilizations, not in India, in China, in Japan oder in the Islamic world. Since 300 years the cultural learning in the christian religion had been enforced, the belief must be compatible with the teaching of natural sxiences and the human rights. In this way the dialogue with the atheists and the naturalists had become possible. The transformation is deep and comprehensiv.
Allgemeine MenschenrechteChristianity of LaicsChurch ReligionCritical Philosophy of ReligionCultural MemoryCultural ReligionCulture of PeaceDeconstructionDekonstruktionDialog mit Atheisten und AgnostikernDialogue with Atheists and NaturalistsHuman RightsKirchenchristentumKritische ReligionsphilosophieKulturchristentumKultur des FriedensKulturelles GedächtnisLaienchristentumNatural Sciences Rational Enlightment Critics of ReligionNaturwissenschaftliches WeltbildRationale AufklärungReligionskritikTransformationWeltkulturenIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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