Forschungsarbeit: Vom Erbgut Herdi zum Dorf Hördt

Vom Erbgut Herdi zum Dorf Hördt

Eine Ortsgemeinde am Rhein in ihrem historischen Umfeld, ihre Weistümer und Einzelpersonen bis 1700

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

Geschichtswissenschaftliche Studien, volume 2

Hamburg , 408 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-10748-0 (print) |ISBN 978-3-339-10749-7 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

Documents are written witnesses of the oldest history of settlements. In this work you can see the origin of the community of “Herdi” and his part in different systems of rule. The history of the village is shown in connection with regional, universal and ecclesiastical history.

About 800, at the time of Charlemagne, you can find the function of an ancestral estate in the name of “Herdi”. But in 1103, “Herthi” is a real community beside a recently founded monastery of Augustines, later canons. For 450 years the village will be connected with the monastery which is well known to historical research. The village is becoming a self-assured community which is demonstrated by many written contracts and instructions of rights and duties for the rulers and the subjects.

Most of the land of the area of Hördt belongs to the monastery, which is master of the village and minor judicial authority. With the Reformation the Electors of the Palatinate become new masters. Lutheran and Calvinist confession are introduced and changing, finally the village is converted to catholic confession. More difficult however are the wars of the 17th century, particularly the Thirty Years’ War. Many fled or dead inhabitants are replaced by foreigners.

For the first time you can find a plausible explanation for the origin of the village’s name in this work. The relations of the village with the monastery of Fulda can be considered from a new point of view by the account of the close connections within nobility. A large number of documents are often quoted word-for-word, six documents are printed in colour. A special feature is the listing of quasi all inhabitants of Hördt until 1700, a period of 600 years. The increasing number of feminine names since the 16th century is a sign of the growing involvement of women in legal transaction. You can also find the entries in parish registers and look at the different professions in the village.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

Bibliothek, Bücher, Monitore

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