Gerd SachsAlt-Thera und Kyrene – Zwei verwandte griechische Städte
Mythos, Geschichte, Kultur
ANTIQUITATES – Archäologische Forschungsergebnisse, volume 71
Hamburg 2019, 136 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-10636-0 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-10637-7 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
This book is a comparison of the ancient Greek cities Thera, located on the identically named island (formerly known as Santorin), and Cyrene, the capital of the Cyrenaica in Libya. This comparison stats with each of the cities’ foundation and ends during the Roman era. It is based on literary sources, historical inscriptions, and on archaeological finds. While Cyrene was founded by citizens of Thera, it quickly surpassed Thera’s importance.
This study begins with explaining the mythology, particularly of the Argonauts, and then looks in more detail into both cities’ history, population, economies, trade relations, constitution, cults, arts, and the influences of the Ptolemaic dynasty. During the Hellenistic era, Cyrene was one of the most important Greek cities.
The book closes with an excursus about Atlantis, and how it was seen by Platon.
Alt-TheraAlte GeschichteAtlantisDiagrammFamilienkulteHellenismusKlassische ArchäologieKyreneMythosOrakelPtolemäerSchifffahrtSilphionIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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