Heidrun JägerDas Eine tò hén, die Leerheit sunyata und die universelle Wahrheit dharma (hō)
Komparative Philosophie über Sein und Werden bei Platon, Nagarjuna und Dogen
Komparative Philosophie und Interdisziplinäre Bildung (KoPhil), volume 7
Hamburg 2018, 254 pages
ISBN 978-3-339-10100-6 (print)
ISBN 978-3-339-10101-3 (eBook)
About this book deutschenglish
In nowadays’ worldwide cross-linking of data, information density is constantly increasing. Frequently, we find ourselves confronted with the necessity to make decisions and to act under growing time pressure. Under these circumstances, it is difficult to keep a general view of the complex correlations, to question critically, to think thoroughly, and to act appropriately. Instead of integrating different ways of thinking a tendency can be observed reducing the complexity of facts and of recognition to a one-sided, fragmentary perspective set as universal standard of thinking. This fragmentation and reduction of diversity can result in isolation of the Particular in opposition to the Others. It seems that in our living world, the participation in the all-encompassing integral whole is getting out of sight.
Due to this crisis, this metaphysical-ontological study consults Plato’s dialogues Timaios, Parmenides and Sophistes dealing with the interrelations of the ideas One tὸ hén with the Others, Being and Nonbeing/Becoming, Identity and Diversity, Movement and Stasis. Plato’s philosophy is related to the philosophies of two Mahāyāna-Buddhists, the Indian Nāgārjuna (2./3th century) teaching the principle of dependant arising as ‘emptiness’, and the Zen-master Dōgen Kigen (1200-1253) emphasizing on the ‘universal truth dharma’ embodied in everyday life.
The aim of this comparative study is to show possible consensus and basic differences of the three philosophies of Platon, Nāgārjuna and Dōgen initiating a change of perspective from one-sided points of view towards an open-minded dynamic interrelation of Oneness and Otherness in the phenomenon.
Abhängiges EntstehenAugenblickBuddha-NaturDas Eine to hendharmaDogen KigenKomparative PhilosophieLeerheitLehreMahayana-BuddhismusMetaphysikNagarjunaOntologieParmenides-DialogPhilosopohiePlatonsunyataTimaiosWahrheitIhr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač
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