Doktorarbeit: Erkenntnistheoretische Gedankenkonstrukte zum Problem des Widerspruches

Erkenntnistheoretische Gedankenkonstrukte zum Problem des Widerspruches

Eine kritische Reflexion am Beispiel des Konstruktiven Realismus nach Friedrich Wallner

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

Komparative Philosophie und Interdisziplinäre Bildung (KoPhil), volume 8

Hamburg , 450 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-10022-1 (print)

ISBN 978-3-339-10023-8 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

The present study addresses the question to what extent does contradiction obtain scientific knowledges. In five sections, this opportunity or problem was examined.

Contradiction is constituted as a condition of scientific knowledge. According to Erhard Oeser, the "Problem of Realism" can be traced back to the non-eliminable remnants of classical metaphysics. The presentation and discussion of the ontological position of "Constructive Realism", developed by Friedrich Wallner, has been enabled by the differentiation of "lifeworld and micro-world", by realizing “Strangification and Multidisciplinarity” that all start from the contradiction. It delineates the philosophical framework at the center of which is the epistemological concept of "Strangification", which has a central, cognitive-generating function. Kurt Greiner has developed the operationalization by contradiction with his "Standardized Therapy School Dialogue" via "Experimental Trans Contextualization".

Through the reflection on the natural sciences, the own and the foreign from a philosophical point of view, "The Field of Between", the "System-External Logic of Quantum Physics" by Hisaki Hashi is examined in this context. Furthermore, it is about the term “Aporon” after Herbert Pietschmann (the theory of aporia), which is the approach of the Japanese philosopher Kitarō Nishida, equate. The own and the foreign result in an interdisciplinary discussion. In her discourse and translation, Hashi elaborates on Francisco Varela's view of Cognitive Science and psycho-physical philosophy in Buddhism "The Phenomenology of Experiences" after Haruhide Shiba. According to Varela, it was expected that "thorough scientific precious analysis that needed to be worked out in detail clearly", which could be explained by the transcultural contribution by Shiba.

The aim of this work is the statement and awareness that the research program of interdisciplinary dialogue must take place through the epistemological concept of “Strangification” starting from the contradiction.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

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