Doktorarbeit: Modellierung und Entwicklung fachdidaktischer Lehrerkompetenzen im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht mit Schwerpunkt auf dem Experimentieren

Modellierung und Entwicklung fachdidaktischer Lehrerkompetenzen im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht mit Schwerpunkt auf dem Experimentieren

Buch beschaffeneBook-Anfrage

Didaktik in Forschung und Praxis, volume 96

Hamburg , 276 pages

ISBN 978-3-339-10006-1 (print) |ISBN 978-3-339-10007-8 (eBook)

About this book deutschenglish

This volume presents the construction and validation of a test instrument for the acquisition of didactic teacher skills in science education. The focus lies on dealing with pupils’ errors and conceptions during experimentation using the competence facets diagnosis and instruction. Context-specific, authentic-complex vignettes which meet the professional requirement profile are used for the methodological implementation. In addition, the test performance in terms of the media format (text or video) and the test format (online or paper-pencil-test) are empirically investigated. For the development of the test empirically backed pupils’ errors and conceptions were implemented in respective classroom situations (vignettes on a six-point rating scale) to ensure that the measurement of professional skills is as authentic as possible. The test development was conducted in close cooperation with experts in the two phases of teacher education in Germany (university phase = pre-service phase; and induction phase at school = in-service phase) as well as experienced teachers. To ensure a high content validity of the vignette test a multi-stage expert rating was used. The use of the test instrument in a student survey (N = 418 pre-service biology teachers) permits the empirical investigation of the theoretical assumptions. According to the aim of the study the vignette test allows a valid and reliable measurement of pedagogical content knowledge in dealing with pupils’ learning difficulties during experiments. The results of a confirmatory factor analysis revealed an acceptable model fit to the data. Further analysis revealed small to medium correlations of the test performance with construct related covariates.

Consequently a standardized test instrument is now available, which, through the use in a longitudinal study, can provide further insights into the development of pedagogical content knowledge and professional competencies in the process of teacher professionalization. In addition, the vignettes can be used for teacher education (pre-service and in-service teachers) as well as for teachers to train and promote professional skills and competencies.

Ihr Werk im Verlag Dr. Kovač

Bibliothek, Bücher, Monitore

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